Our Honorable Five Pearls
Lead by:
Danne' Johnson
Midwestern Regional Director
CO/WY State Director
(First Elected, 2022)
Margaret Graham
Colorado Springs Chapter President
Chapter Officer Sorors Seated Left to Right: Patsy Lane, Tonjala Worrell,
Lynne Brown, Christy Ball, Jacqueline Williams, Margaret Graham (President), LaTasha Bruner-Hill, Kirsten Knight, Tia Perez
Sorors Standing Left to Right: Sanquenetta Russell, Tifarrah Robinson, Cheryl Morrow, Reeds St. Jean, Mekeba Ford, Cordelia Smith-Campbell, Sharon James.
Not photographed Sorors: Detra Duncan, Phd., Mary Rowan, Dr. Shamecca Scott, Jazel Simmons, Dr. Mary Thurman, Cassandra Webb
January 16, 2025
105 Years Later
and still here!
Margaret Graham, President
Christy Ball, Executive Board Chair
LaTasha Bruner-Hill, 1st Vice President
Jacqueline Williams,
2nd Vice President
Patsy Lane, 3rd Vice President
Mekeba Ford, Assistant Secretary
Tonjala Worrell, Assistant Secretary Treasurer
Tia Perez, Historian
Cordelia Smith-Campbell, Past Chapter President, 2013
2024 Newest Member Sharon James
2024 Newest Member Cheryl Morrow
2024 Newest Member Tifarrah Robinson
2024 Newest Member Sanquenetta Russell
2024 Newest Member Reeds St. Jean
Thursday, January 16, 2020 is a monumental day in history for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The members and affiliates of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated have been fostering the ideals and will celebrate 100 years of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood.
In honor of Founders’ Day, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated, Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter in Colorado Springs, Colorado will come together and would like to invite fellow Greeks and Non-Greeks to join us in our celebration. Our signature event will kick off on January 9, 2020 at Skate City Academy, with Skating with Zetas and you are invited to join us in this celebration. The event will be held at 1920 North Academy Boulevard. The fee is $5 for admission and $3 for skate rental. Time for skating will be from 6pm to 8pm. Bring your family, tell your friends, wear your colors and letters and let us have some fun celebrating while doing circle eights that evening!
Additional events will be occurring including our participation in the Educating Children of Color Summit 2020 on January 18, 2020 at Colorado College. We will worship Sunday, January 19 at the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church at their 10:45am service and ending our celebration with a celebration of music honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Colorado College. This all happens locally while in Washington D.C., Zetas from across these United States of America will be coming together and celebrating. Taking it right back where it all started on the campus of Howard University.
Founded in 1920, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated believes that the social nature of sorority life should not overshadow the real mission of progressive organizations-to address societal mores, ills, prejudices, poverty, and health concerns of the day.
The international organization's more than 100,000 initiated members and affiliates have given millions of voluntary hours to educate the public, provide scholarships, support organized charities and promote legislation for social and civic change. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated has more than 800 chapters in the United States, Japan, Germany, the Republic of Korea, and the Caribbean.
In addition to its membership of college-educated woman, the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated umbrella includes Amicae (adult women), Archonettes (teen girls), Amicettes (pre-teen girls), Pearlettes (elementary age girls), and the Zeta Male Network auxiliaries.
PO BOX 76244
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80970
This website is the sole responsibility of Colorado Springs Local Chapter, Xi Kappa Zeta © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. National Web http://zphib1920.org/ Midwestern Regional Web http://midwesternzetas.org/ CO/WY State Web https://zphibcowy.com/