Advancing Health Equality Through Sustainable Change
Women's Health - Hygiene
Zeta is an advocate for women and children....This is what we do!
Ben Literacy Festival 2022
Free books, Hands-on STEAM activities for all ages, including coding, cryptology, dance, chess, Ham Radio, Printing Press, Jeopardy, Health Jam, Pinwheel Science, and drawings for prizes. Continental breakfast 8:40 am Dwire Hall Family fun!
Donations of nail polish and lipstick from the Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter campaign encourage everyone to take a stand and actively commit to helping end violence against women and children. Domestic Violence Initiative (DVI) builds healthy relationships. It increases domestic violence awareness via 1) cutting edge programs, 2) supporting legislation and policies focused on protecting women and children from domestic violence and its after effects, and 3) promoting brand-aligned partnerships dedicated to protecting women and children. April 2022
Adopt a School
The Finer Women of Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter donated donations of coats, hats, gloves, hand sanitizer, socks, and more to Fox Meadow Middle School. The staff was so appreciative. Adopt-A-School allows members of Zeta Phi Beta to identify low-performing schools and provide assistance in several ways to enhance the educational experience, increase test scores and grades.
Epiphany - Sisterhood Luncheon. So much fun to get to know the Sorors!
Past Chapter President Soror Lescott and Immediate Past Colorado and Wyoming State Director Dr. Detra Duncan
President Duncan recognizes Sorors for their years of service in Zeta. Soror Smith 49 Years. Dr. Thurman is our first Dove!
President Duncan recognizes Sorors for their service in Zeta and for helping the chapter move forward. Soror Thomas in recognition for letting her Zeta light shine in Sisterhood, Service, FinerWomanhood!
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer is a
National Program Of Zeta Phi Beta
Sorority, Incorporated
treTriple Negative Breast Cancer was chosen because of its aggressive nature, challenges to treating and disproportionate effect on African American women.
Partnering with Penrose Cancer Center
Sorors doing what we do. Engaging the community!
Demonstrating how to detect lumps!
About Brianna McDevitt, DO
Dr. McDevitt is a fellowship-trained breast
surgeon. She graduated in 2012 with honors from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Biddeford, ME. She performed her general surgery residency at Genesys Regional Medical Center in Grand
Blanc, MI and her breast surgical oncology fellowship at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA.