Xi Kappa Zeta Colorado Springs, CO joined with other Divine 9 Greek organizations shown here are Xi Kappa Zeta, Sigma's, Omega's, Iota's, Sigma Gamma Rho's, Kappa's and Alpha's in the mix at the 2024 Southern Colorado Annual Juneteenth Festival ~ Great time, fellowship, food, fun, and entertainment had by all
Xi Kappa Zeta member Jacqueline Williams and Eta Nu Sigma Brother tells and shares a little bit of history with some children and a family that came by the table to see what we were all about and they were interested in the photo of our Grandmother of Juneteenth Soror Opal Lee which is on the poster on the easel that the children are looking at
Now the children have questions about who we are and they are being answered and encouraged to study hard, make good grades, stay in school and graduate then go off to college and do their research on the various Greek letter organizations . Make the right choices and remember that your choices have consequences ~ Do the right thing and you will be successful. Stay in school and reach for the stars. Not only were there children that came by, but many adults also visited our Xi Kappa Zeta local chapter tent to inquire about Zeta's and Sigma's. When you join Zeta Phi Beta Xi Kappa Zeta Colorado Springs, CO, you'll gain access to a variety of exclusive benefits, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. Plus, you'll be supporting a community of passionate social enthusiasts!
Xi Kappa Zeta Member - Soror Ford represented on the Southern Colorado Juneteenth Festival African Red Carpet show ~ Thank you Soror Ford for being and showing support in the celebration festival event
Sorors show up to be in support of the Southern Colorado Juneteenth Festival! Left to right, Sorors: Perez, Lane, Ball, Williams, Ford, and Simmons~ Way to go in service and support ~
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated celebrates Finer Womanhood for the entire month of March. Join our local chapter of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Xi Kappa Zeta as they celebrate and honor this national month of recognition "Finer Womanhood"
Local State Chapter, Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter, Colorado Springs, Colorado host a free tea on March 10th at UCCS Downtown Lounge location and you are invited to attend!
Dr. Regina English, Colorado General Assembly Stare Representative and a strong consistent voice for the people! Representing House District 17 (South East Colorado Springs)
Finer Womanhood Committee stands all smiles along with key Speaker, House Representative Dr. English
Who can turn away great snacks at tea time
So glad Sorors could come from Denver, Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter to join us. Thank you for coming Sorors: Margaret Neal and Rashida Dick. We certainly enjoyed the fellowship and tea time
Committee chair Soror Ball along with key speaker Dr. English
Chair, Soror Ball doing what she enjoys, greeting those in attendance to the tea
Committee member Dr. Thurman making sure everything is set finer
Committee member Soror Smith making sure all things are in place for finer tea
Well the winner of our tea hat finer competition Soror Lane showing off her finer hat ~ Congratulations Soror Lane
Soror Lane all smiles with some committee members showing off her winner certificate
Dr. Regina English speaks from the heart and delivers ~ outstanding!
We are sisterhood; we are family and Soror Thomas who shows off her tea hat as she enjoys the tea time
Chair Soror Ball and key note speaker Dr. Regina English pause for a photo during our social time
Dr. LaTasha Bruner-Hill and our keynote speaker Dr. Regina English enjoy serving in our local community and political arena and both happy to be serving and giving back
President Graham enjoys with expression as she reads about the Phenomenal Woman, by Dr. Maya Angelou, and just how important and Finer we phenomenal women are - Thank you President Graham
Visiting Sorors Dick and Neal along with guest Cross enjoy some tea social time and we are glad they were all able to come out and enjoy the beautiful day of tea with the members of Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter
It's a celebration and it's all about celebrating Finer Womanhood and Finer Women
This is how we do it family working side by side giving back in service to the community and at tea time
Two committee members Soror Perez and Soror Lane taking their seats before the event begins
Ready for tea and the events that unfold for the afternoon Soror Williams, Madam State Director
Yes ~ Sisters coming together to enjoy the the tea time together and getting ready for the hat competition is Soror Brown
We continue to give and leave a footprint of helping others!
Leadership strong being led by International President Dr. Grant, Midwestern Regional Director Johnson, COWY State Director Williams, and Local Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter President Graham
Always remembering our Triumphant Five Founding Pearls that got this all started and we are still as of today standing on their shoulders ~ Because of them, we are here today and carrying on ~Thank You~
Always Finer~ Our newest Soror. Soror Simmons shows off her fineness - Finer Woman
Flowers presented to Dr. English for joining us and speaking at our tea
Committee Chair Soror Ball and visiting Soror Margaret Neal enjoy a photo for remembrance of the special tea time
Sorors Neal and Williams enjoy the tea time and a photo during social time
Committee member and the tea hat contestant winner - Giving a little history about Finer Womanhood
Keynote speaker
Dr. Regina English and
Madam State Director
Jacqueline Williams
2024 Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter Tea
in observance of Finer Womanhood
Newest Soror Simmons enjoys getting out and serving in the community. Joined by Sorors: Ball and Lane
Our Sigma frat brothers join in also on the fun of serving in the community while being out at the AAYLC event on the campus of Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO . Thank you family for coming out!
Sorors Perez and Lane one again join newest Soror Simmons at the Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter table while attending the AAYLC event
Soror Ball enjoys the students at Edison Elementary and taking the time out to go put in some community service hours for Read Across America
Our Sigma frat join in also on the fun of serving in the community while reading to the students at Edison
Sorors and Brothers pose for a picture showing off the books they read to students at Edison Elementary on March 1, 2024 for Reading Across America~ Thank You!
Another class as reading if fundamental and we enjoy taking the time out to read to the students of Edison Elementary
We also have high school students that come out and be in support of our community service efforts as we support Read Across America at Edison Elementary, March 1, 2024
Blue and White family coming together service and helping our youth while participating in the Educating Children of Color Career Day at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colorado
President Graham and six other chapter Sorors come together and volunteer at the ECOC career day and enjoyed every minute of it
Sorors Brown and Knight all smiles along with our local Sigma Brothers that came together to volunteer service work at Colorado College
Way to go Sorors Perez and Knight all smiles and happy to stand behind our triumphant pearls that started it all ~ Thanks for serving Sorors
This is how we do it family working side by side giving back in service to the community
Truly a blue and white family - We are excited and happy that we have four married couples in our family and all enjoy serving ~ Thanks family
Coming together with our Sigma brothers celebrating our Founders' Day worshipping together
Yes ~ Sisters coming together to enjoy the screening of "The Color Purple" What an amazing classic!
We continue to give and leave a footprint of helping others!
Thank you triumphant founder pearls because of them, we are here today carrying on
We are sisterhood we are family!
Always Finer!!
The beautiful ladies of Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter enjoying each other and having an awesome time!
Finer Womanhood is the “distinguishing characteristics of a woman, one superior in kind, quality, or appearance; marked by or affecting elegance or refinement.”
Immediate Past President Dr. Detra Duncan
What a beautiful place!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Join the movement by raising awareness, educating our communities, and serving as advocates. Go green on May 13th and tag us in your photos as we bring awareness to mental health! #zetaphibeta #zetasgogreen #mentalhealthmonth #togetherformentalhealth
Zetas Together for Mental Health. Join the movement by raising awareness, educating our communities, and serving as advocates.
President Duncan supporting as a Hole Sponsor.
Soror Ball, 1st Anti President and her girls (Zeta Youth) representing at the Golf event.
Members of Eta Nu Sigma Fraternity and Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter joint Game Night!
Door Prizes
President Dr. Duncan and Soror Ball (1st Vice President)
What would we do without the Brothers! ~ Thank you to our constitutionally bound brothers always in support of the Sisterhood!!
Committee Members: Chairs Soror Ball (Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter) - Brother Ball (Eta Nu Sigma Fraternity), Dr. Bruner-Hill, Soror Williams, Dr. Duncan President - XKZC
Girls Ages 4-18
Pictured Left to Right: 2nd Vice President Margaret Graham, 1st Vice President Christy Ball, President Detra Duncan, 3rd Vice President DeShanda Frazier, Soror Elaine Keel
Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Archonettes
2021 - 2022 Sorority Year here we come!
Soror Williams, Bruner-Hill, President Dr. Duncan and Soror Frazier
Xi Kappa Zeta, Gamma Alpha Theta Zeta, and Zeta Zeta Zeta representing.
Dr. Thurman is the lucky winner!
Soror Kirsten Knight enjoys her lucky winner gift at the retreat!
Social Action - Zeta engages communities by raising awareness on key issues, promoting voter registration and mobilization, building relationships with elected officials, and encouraging qualified women and minorities to pursue community leadership positions.
Vanessa Alston -Colorado Native who has a passion for counseling and helping others. Bachelor’s in social work was obtained in 1989 from Colorado State University (formerly University of Southern Colorado). Master’s in social work was obtained many years later in 2017 from North Carolina Central University (HBCU).
Friday Night Events! Why Shop when you can swap!
Dr. Lewis’ proven specialty is leadership, professional excellence, culture inclusion, coaching, strategic development, and executive public speaking coaching. Dr. Lewis has presented and facilitated widely on topics of diversity and inclusion, cross-cultural leveraging, strategic planning, executive speaking, interpersonal communication, personal professional development, media & public relations, social media communication, understanding and climbing out of poverty, and retention.
Educating Officers so they can assist in implementing and educating other members
Equipping the officers to serve.
Equipping the officers to serve.
Equipping the officers to serve.
President Dr. Duncan installing Soror Frazier as 3rd Vice President - UG
3rd Vice President of Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter
Dr. Duncan is speaking to a crowd of people about her election campaign goals. She is also encouraging people to vote!
Sorors Ball Worrell, Lane, Bruner-Hill, Perez, President Duncan, and Graham at the 2021 Colorado Springs Juneteenth Celebration.
Sorors having fun - Juneteenth 2021
Sorors Lane, Worrell, Graham, Bruner-Hill, Perez, Ball Juneteenth 2021
Sorors Lane and Ball at the Fall Festival in Fountain, CO registering voters for the upcoming November election!
Sorors Knight, Ball, and Lane supporting Dr. Duncan running for Mayor of Fountain, CO. Also, they are registering people to vote!