We were happy to serve the community and women of TESSA by going with our brothers to give away winter coats and hygiene products to make ready for women that are preparing to get back into the work force. We were glad serving and making a positive difference in the lives of helping those that are in the need and looking forward to bettering themselves in society.
Pictured are some of the items that were given along with our brothers of Eta Nu Sigma, Sorors and youth of Xi Kappa Zeta along with the Tessa Staff that received the donated items. They were grateful and very appreciative of the response to the cause. Thank all that donated and participated.
Sorors from Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter go in support of our State Chapter ZZZ in Denver for a night out a the movies and enjoyed "Wicked" - Thank you Sorors: Perez, Lane, Worrell, and Robinson for showing the support!
We were ready to unmask this thing known as Breast Cancer, and we were glad you came out in support; you donated for a great cause; and you shared your story and you survived! You are all winners because you are continuing the thrive and live life to the fullest!
Thank you Sorors for pausing to take the photo while attending the gaga event: From left to right - Sorors: Knight, Brown, Rowan, Smith, Earls, Ball, and Williams
Well you know what happens when you hear one of your favorite songs. Your feet just start moving and everyone starts to dance to the beat. As with our very own Soror Brown who was getting down!
Thank you Sorors Rowan, Smith, Earls, and Ball for showing the Zeta Love and beautiful smiles while attending the gala!
As a member of Zeta Phi Beta Xi Kappa Zeta Colorado Springs, CO Sorors Brown, Rowan, Smith, Earls, Ball, Williams, Graham, Bruner-Hill, Lane, Perez, Ford, and Knight all come together for a beautiful photo and a lovely gala enjoyed by all that attended.
Read about the gala reminder from the flyer sent out for awareness of Breast Cancer and Xi Kappa Zeta Partnering with the American Cancer Society to make a difference to help and support the cause!
Excited to join our Eta Nu Sigma Brothers for their 1st annual Mardi Gras event, located in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado at The Pinery~ A wonderful evening had by all that attended! February 24, 2024
Sorors of Xi Kappa Zeta Mardi Gras 2024. Pictured left to right: Sorors: Ball, Lane, Bruner-Hill, Williams, Graham, (guest Soror Harper), Dr. Duncan, and in front Soror Thomas
A few of our chapter Sorors gather early to take a picture in front of the Mardi Gras back drop
Although masks were optional we were happy that our Sorors from the North end of our State, Aurora, and Denver came and joined in on the fun
Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter and Eta Un Sigma Chapter celebrate Christmas with dinner
Merry Christmas from President Graham and members of local Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter
State Directors, Brother Don Cross, Eta Nu Sigma Chapter, and Soror Jacqueline Williams enjoying the evening of fun
Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter Sorors Knight and Perez ready for the fun
True Blood Sister and Brother;
Soror Worrell and Brother Sir Knight
Sure looks like even our guests enjoyed the evening
Soror Knight having to make a tough choice
Soror Lane trying to decide what to do but waits her turn
Family mingles while waiting food orders
Our brother is truly having a great time and we are glad he was able to make the fellowship
Alright now, showing off the beautiful ornament received during the gift exchange
Soror Ball shows off her gift exchange as she served as the Chair for the Christmas Committee
Getting ready to make their menu selection and ready for the fun to begin
Everyone in attendance making menu selections and can't wait to get their orders
Fun game played and you could only swipe gifts twice, some were able to keep their choice, others had to give the gift up ~ Merry Christmas!
All smiles and enjoying the evening our Committee member, Brother Walter Campbell
Merry Christmas from Sigma State Director Cross and lovely wife, and Soror Perez
All about bowling, and if you really know how, sometimes you just have to not take it so serious! Great time had by all in attendance
President Graham along with other Sorors: Dr. Burner-Hill, Knight, Ball and Williams and yet taking time to conduct a little Zeta Business
Two teams are beginning to form and we get ready to start our fun evening of bowling!
Gotta dress the part and have the proper bowling shoes on in order to bowl. We came, we conquered, we had fun, and we celebrated our 35 years of local chapter, Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter existence! ~ Congratulations!!!!!
A Merry and Bright Holiday Season!
Sorors celebrating the holiday season!
Always great to see our Brothers of Eta Nu Sigma Chapter!
Sorors and Brothers singing carols to the shoppers at the Garden of the Gods Trading Post!
2022 MLK Jr. All People's Breakfast at Colorado College and marched to Acacia Park downtown Colorado Springs: "It Starts with Me: Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset to Transform Unjust Systems "
Chapter Finance Training - Soror from all over the Sisterhood attending training. Great webinar!
The community was in support of this wonderful event in Black History!
Greeks and future greatness!
Celebrating everyday who we are and the importance of our Black History!
Thanks to our local greeks and Dr. Duncan for supporting this community event that honored the past and treasured the future of Black History!
Ending the Sorority Year with recipients of the Perfect Attendance Award....Dr Mary Thurman, Soror Lane, Dr Duncan - Presenting, Soror Ball, and Soror Smith
Congratulations! Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter in the MWR region is being awarded a grant on behalf of the Social Action/Get Engaged © program in conjunction with the National Council of Negro Women/Good Health WINS project.
2018, Dr. Detra Duncan served as the State of Colorado and Wyoming State Director and is also a member of Xi Kappa Zeta Chapter
A few Sorors along with State Director Dr, Duncan, and our Sigma brother Van McGee, previous Colorado State Director, Phi Beta Sigma and member of Eta Nu Sigma Chapter Colorado Springs pose inside on the steps of the Denver capitol building
A few Sorors gather with Colorado Wyoming State Director, Dr. Detra Duncan, to take a photo inside the Denver State Capitol building
Copyright © 2019 Zeta Phi Beta Xi Kappa Zeta Colorado Springs, CO - All Rights Reserved.